Learning skin anatomy & physiology: the key to formulating for different skin types
One of the most important areas of knowledge for a formulator of natural and organic skincare is skin anatomy and physiology. It is not enough to simply create a skincare product with a hunch that it will work on certain skin types and skin concerns. Textbooks on this...
How do You Know What Ingredients and Their Quantities to Use in a Natural Skincare Recipe?
You’ve decided that you’d like to make a natural skincare product to target a specific skin concern. You’ve decided what skin type it is for. You’ve even designed the packaging! But when it comes to actually making a natural cosmetic product, how do you know what...
Understanding How Your Skin Works
Your skin is amazing. It’s a constantly changing, dynamic and adaptable living organ. It can adapt in an instant, responding to differences in the environment, temperature and light. It is highly sensitive to heat, vibration, movement and pressure, and it protects us...
Making natural skincare products free from chemicals
It’s something we hear all the time - “I want to learn how to make products free from chemicals.” Perhaps that’s something that resonates with you? It’s a sentiment that really means a lot to us - but there’s something we should explain first. You can’t...
What our students love the most about making their own natural skincare products
The satisfaction of creating our own natural skincare products can be immense. No matter what draws our students to natural and organic skincare in the first place, there’s no question that seeing the hard work pay off when they successfully create a beautiful product...
DIY Skincare Done Professionally
When you’re just getting started with making your own products, it's a fun and exciting time. You’re discovering lots of amazing natural and organic ingredients: Argan oil, coconut oil, shea butter, kiwi seed oil, kukui nut oil, cocoa butter, hemp seed oil, and...
What is Natural Skin Care?
The natural skin care market is one of the fastest growing markets in the skin care industry—and for good reason! More and more people are looking for natural ways to care for their skin, and turning to products marketed as natural enhances the belief that certain...
Debunking DIY: How to Spot an Unsafe Skincare Recipe
There are SO MANY unsafe DIY skincare recipes on the internet. It can be difficult to quickly and easily assess if a DIY recipe is safe. Here are some quick tips to get you started.
How to read a cosmetic label
Don’t be fooled by a product name or description - get to know and understand your cosmetic labels! That’s the only way to truly know what is in the products you are using, and how safe they really are. This guide will help you do just that. A lot of cosmetic products...
8 Ingredients to detox from your skincare routine
This guide will help you to detox your skincare products by knowing which harmful or undesirable ingredients to look for on the label. You can then either stop using them right away, or know what to avoid in the future. If you want to take back the power to look after...